How To Create Successful Magento 2 Extensions

Billions of people shop online globally, and the figures keep rising. Consequently, we are witnessing a dramatic surge in the eCommerce sector.

When it comes to eCommerce, one may argue that Magento is the most well-known eCommerce platform in that market. They won't be too far away.

By giving upgraded experiences, Magneto 2 has benefited several eCommerce businesses. Now, the market is abuzz with talk of Magento 2 extension development.

What is the Magento extension?

A custom module, language pack, or combination of custom modules and language packs is an extension that gives the main Magento product new functionality. Magento 2 plugins also allow you to extend functionality.

It's a directory with PHP and XML files organized into blocks, controllers, helpers, and models that are related to a particular business function from a technical standpoint. The word "module" is sporadically used in the same manner throughout Magento's developer documentation. 

However, Magento 2 modules are a core code or code that is a part of Magento itself. On the other hand, an extension is always a packageable component that can increase and alter Magento functionality.

How to develop Magento 2 extensions?

  • Disable cache and keep Magento in developer mode

To avoid clearing the cache when making changes to the extension, ensure the Magento cache is off. You'll save a ton of time developing if you do this.

From Admin -> System -> Cache Management, choose all types and disable the cache.

Make sure your Magento store is in developer mode so you can inspect any mistakes you encounter while writing the code and have all changes updated instantly.

  • Module initialization

In order to initialize and register the extension, you must first create files and directories. After that, create a file in the directory called module.xml. The file registration.php must then be created in the directory in order to register your module.

  • Create controller

Define the router that will use the path for all requests. In the directory, create a file with the name routes.xml. While Magento 2 actions have their classes that implement the "execute()" method, Magento 1 controllers can define numerous actions.

  • Create block

Use block class as a procedure to return the values to show on the front.

  • Create theme and layout

Now it requires a layout file to showcase the value returned from the extension block file. 

We can have these three subdirectories inside the view directory in Magento 2: admin.html, base, and frontend. Layout files and templates are stored in the view directory in your module. 

Here, the base directory is used for both admin and frontend files, while the admin.html directory is used for admin purposes and the frontend directory for frontend reasons.

  • Deploy

Lastly, we need to perform one command to deploy the extension's files so that they may be used on the Magento store. Run the command in the root directory after logging into your SSH account for your Magento store.

By navigating to Admin > Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced and verifying that the module is listed, you can ensure that your extension is deployed correctly.


Businesses are investing in Magento extensions to expand the customer base for their Magento-based online storefronts. 

These extensions will make your eCommerce site more appealing, improve the look of the online store, offer features, and improve functionality. Plus, payment gateway Magento 2 will help improve conversion rates.


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